A funeral is a professional service that is supported with specialized products. It is paid for much like other professional services. Just like at the doctor’s office, you will need to make arrangements for payment before the service is provided. It only takes a little thought to understand why payment before service is the norm for funeral service.
If the deceased has not provided for funeral cost the family will be responsible. Since it may take months for an estate to settle those funds may not be available until long after payment for the funeral is required. This can create a burden for family members who will need to cover that cost from their personal funds while they wait for the estate to reimburse them.
This is something every adult should consider. “Death is often unexpected, and the family is unprepared” is an often-repeated cliché. But it is true. It is also preventable. Every adult, and especially those who do not share access to adequate bank accounts with a responsible family member, should take action.
First, call the funeral home of your choice and make an appointment with their advance planning specialist. Take the hour or two you will need to put together a funeral plan and get an accurate funeral cost estimate for the funeral you would prefer at today’s cost. This will give you a base from which to work.
Second, ask the specialist to explain any programs the funeral home may have in place that will help you assure funds are available to cover the cost should the unexpected happen to you. Ask about inflation protection. Ask about payment options. Ask the specialist to explain how their program compares with other solutions available outside the funeral home. These include POD accounts and final expense insurance products.
Finally, decide what is the best solution for you and your family, keeping in mind someone will likely need to pay for your funeral service before that service can take place.
Your pre-planning can be a lifesaver for family and friends.