FLOWERS, Bernard E. - Age 90 went to be with the Lord June 12, 2015. Funeral services will be held 1PM Thursday, June 18, 2015 at Sharp Funeral Home and Cremation Center, 6063 Fenton Rd., Flint. Chaplain Steve Hittle officiating. Visitation will be held from 11AM until the time of service. Internment will take place at Great Lakes National Cemetery at a later date. Bernard was born November 17, 1924 in Hancock, MD, the son of Lonnie and Marie Flowers. He retired in 1989 after working 22 years at Victor Products, Lee's Outdoor Sporting Goods and the Washington County Board of Education. He resided in Grand Blanc for the past 26 years. He served in the US Air Force from 1946-47. He was a member of the American Legion and Eagles Club. He enjoyed traveling and Country Music, especially Alan Jackson. Surviving are wife, Elva Ruth (Bywaters) Flowers, daughter Donna (Leroy) Unger of Hagerstown, MD, sons; Michael (Cynde) Flowers of Howell, Jeffrey (Kelli) Flowers of Palm Harbor, FL, 6 grandchildren; Kari, Kyle, Donovan, Jordyn, Jason and Larry, great-grandson Weston. He was preceded in death by his parents, son Larry, brothers; Bill and Glenn, sister Violet and grandson Brian. Special thanks to Heartland Hospice, The Oaks at Woodfield and Dr. Daros. He will be sadly missed by family, friends and Tiger. Tributes may be posted on the obituaries page of
Thursday, June 18, 2015 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM
Sharp Funeral Home & Cremation Center
6063 Fenton Road Flint 48507, United States
Funeral Service
Thursday, June 18, 2015 1:00 PM
Sharp Funeral Home & Cremation Center
6063 Fenton Road Flint 48507, United States